Platform Design Considerations to Support IAM, Core System Integrations, IOT Data

Published Date
May 22, 2023
4 minutes
Written By

Vishwas Acharya

As businesses grow and change, their platform design needs also evolve. They must integrate different systems and devices to create a unified ecosystem. This involves considering factors like Identity and Access Management (IAM), integrating core systems, handling IOT data, and more. This article will explore the essential platform design considerations for supporting IAM, core system integrations, IOT data, and other factors.

Why Are Platform Design Considerations Important?

Digital transformations need platform designs that support various components for a cohesive ecosystem, streamlining processes and sharing data efficiently. Platform considerations ensure security, reliability, and scalability and meet business needs.

IAM Design Considerations

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a crucial aspect of platform design. IAM design considerations ensure that the right people have access to the right information at the right time. Specific factors must be considered for the healthcare industry when designing an IAM system. These considerations include HIPAA compliance, role-based access, segregation of duties, audit trails, two-factor authentication, access revocation, and integration with Electronic Health Records (EHRs).

Core System Integrations

Core system integrations involve integrating different healthcare systems and applications such as EHRs, Patient Portals, Billing and Claims Management Systems, and Pharmacy Systems. This allows for the seamless data flow between healthcare providers, resulting in efficient care and better patient outcomes.

IoT Data

IoT data is health-related information gathered from internet-connected devices used in healthcare settings, including wearables and medical equipment. It provides real-time insights for personalized care, but privacy and security concerns must be addressed. Examples include monitoring vital signs, managing medication, and remote patient monitoring.

Data Management

Data management involves collecting, storing, organizing, analyzing, and sharing healthcare data, including patient, clinical, financial, and administrative data. It is critical for ensuring quality care and compliance with regulations. Efficient data management is crucial for enhancing patient care, reducing expenses, and fostering innovation in healthcare, especially as the volume and complexity of healthcare data continue to expand.


Scalability in healthcare is the ability of a healthcare system to handle increasing demands without sacrificing the quality of care. It allows healthcare providers to adapt and grow in changing environments. This is important for accommodating an influx of patients during a pandemic or expanding services to new areas. Scalability is increasingly important in healthcare as technology transforms the industry. By ensuring scalability, healthcare providers can improve outcomes and save lives.


Security safeguards sensitive data, such as patient records and medical information, from unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or destruction. Organizations implement measures such as access controls, data encryption, network security, and staff training to ensure privacy and confidentiality. As electronic health records become more prevalent, security has become a key concern for healthcare providers.


Usability in healthcare platform design refers to how easily healthcare providers and patients can use digital tools to access and share health information, manage tasks, and communicate. User-friendly design can streamline workflows and improve patient care empowering patients to manage their health. Achieving usability requires designers to consider user needs and preferences, conduct research and testing, and incorporate feedback. Key elements include navigation, clarity, consistency, feedback, and accessibility.


Performance in healthcare digital platforms refers to their speed, responsiveness, and reliability. These platforms include electronic health records, patient portals, telemedicine, and mobile health apps. High-performance platforms can help healthcare providers make informed decisions quickly and improve patient care, and they can also help patients access information and manage their health. Key performance elements in platform design include speed, reliability, scalability, interoperability, and security. Overall, high-performance digital platforms are critical for supporting clinical workflows, improving patient outcomes, and meeting the needs of healthcare providers and patients.

Testing and Deployment

Testing and deployment in healthcare platform design involve evaluating and implementing digital platforms in healthcare through stages such as requirements gathering, testing, approval, deployment, and maintenance. This ensures that the platform is effective, safe, and compliant with regulatory and security standards while meeting the needs of healthcare providers and patients.

Support and Maintenance

Support and maintenance in healthcare platform design involve technical assistance and regular updates to ensure optimal performance. They are essential to provide users with a positive experience and reliable, secure functionality.

Integration with Third-Party Systems

In healthcare platform design, integrating third-party systems means connecting the platform with external systems and services, such as electronic health records and medical devices. This can improve care quality and lower costs by allowing easier access and sharing of information. However, integration can be complex and requires secure communication and regulation compliance.

Cloud-Based Design Considerations

When designing a cloud-based platform, it's important to consider data security, scalability, and performance. The platform should be designed to work with cloud-based services like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. Cloud-based platforms can quickly scale to meet increasing demands and can be accessed from anywhere, making them ideal for global businesses.


To stay competitive, businesses need a platform that supports IAM, Core System Integrations, IOT Data, etc. The platform must be secure, reliable, scalable, and easy to use. By integrating systems and devices, businesses can streamline processes and gain insights to drive decisions.

About the Author

Vishwas Acharya

Vishwas Acharya is a member of the Technical Staff at ACL Digital. His expertise spans front-end and back-end technologies, allowing him to create robust and dynamic web applications. Beyond his coding skills, he has a deep enthusiasm for crafting compelling content and sharing knowledge. By blending his technical proficiency and love for writing, he brings a distinctive perspective to their work, delivering insightful solutions and engaging narratives.